Dojo rules.

Parents’ Guide

Below are some procedures for Parents & Guardians to follow when attending karate classes at Shotokan Fitness Karate School.

To start with in every class! 

1  Physically & Mentally

Make sure your child is physically & mentally ready for training in every class. If not? You should not bring your child to training until it gets better.

2  Don't be late 

Late for training will result in no class.

Once students are lined-up to start the season – if you're not there – you're late.

(One of the golden rules in Karate is to be on-time)

3  Official uniform only

Without an official uniform, you may be sent home or sat down.

4  Protective gear

Forgetting protective gear means you will miss sparring.


5  Water bottle

Forgetting to bring water 💦 you may end up sitting down and no training.


General and More

1   Dropping off and picking up

 One person only should come with the child to minimize crowding. 

(1)  Change your child's clothing in designated areas, like the changing room.   

2   Entering the dojo

Take off your child's shoes before entering the  studio / dojo.

(1)  Can wear trainers if the floor of the venue / dojo is not in good condition.

(2)  If you have a problem with your feet.

In those cases you’re advised to wear trainers for safety. If you don’t? Is at your own risk.

(3)  If you're wearing trainers - please make sure you check and clean the bottom before entering the dojo.

(4)  Running trainers are allowed only. Any color - non-slippery - in good condition - the laces must be tied properly.

3  Staying inside the studio 

By default parents aren't allowed to stay in the dojo during the class. However, you may enter 5 min before the class ends.

(1)  If or when you're in the dojo please follow this:

•  no standing in the dojo

•  no talking on the phone

•  phones silent

•  no in and out the dojo

•  keep your other children close and quiet

4   Fotography 

Taking pictures / videos is prohibited during the classes - without instructor permission.


(1)  If permission is granted  (you must send a copy to us) - so we can share it with the students in the frame. 

5   Talking inside the dojo 

Once in the dojo, parents are not allowed to talk to their children. Questions or comments are to be communicated after the class.

6   Staying extra time 

If the class continues for longer and you don't want to stay - you don't have to - just get sensei's attention to let your child go.


Safety and More 

1   Picking up your child 

 All classes are subject to finishing up to 5 min early to make space for other classes starting after us.

 (1)  It's the parent's responsibility to make sure they're on time to pick up their child AND to make sure the child knows what to do - if you are running late.

(2)  Always follow the official timetable, and be at about 5 min early.

(3)  Don't assume that today's class continues for longer, the next one will too.

(4)  If you come late for training and you are allowed to stay- don't assume that the child will be staying extra.  So– be on time for pick up. 

2   Contact details 

Make sure we have your up to date contact details.

(1)  Make sure our numbers are on your contact list, so you know who's calling you. We will only call you if we really need you – so please, always answer our call.

3   Has Sensei arrived 

Make sure that the sensei has arrived and is in the studio / dojo before you leave your child.

(1)  The parents must stay with their child until the child enters the Dojo and is accepted by The Sensei.

(2)  Never leave the child alone even if you see the sensei around.

4   Early for training 

If you're early for class make sure your child is not playing around in the studio / dojo or elsewhere. 

(1)  (If the venue / gym allows) –  you shouldn't come earlier than 10 min to change and be ready for class. 

5   Waiting for your child 

Parents must wait for their children at designated areas of the gym / venue (or outside).

6   Far from studio / dojo

Parents should be no more than 5 min walk away from the dojo, in case of emergency.

7   Medical conditions 

Student’s medical conditions must be communicated to the Sensei / Instructor as soon as possible.

(1)  Change to medical let the Sensei know asap. So we have a chance to communicate it to other students if appropriate and necessary. 

(2)  If your child is not feeling well -  let the sensei know -  stay around in case you are needed.

(3)  OR don't attend the class. REMEMBER that you could put your child in more danger and the others around.

8   Training with others 

Make sure your child has the nails of hand ✋ and feet cut to prevent injury when sparring.

(1)   No jewelry of any kind allowed in the class. So –  make sure your child is not wearing any jewelry, when attending our Karate training –  empty hands and feet– only.

9   Eating 

Make sure your child has something to eat before the class –  and give it at least an hour to digest.

(1)  Remember, no food means no energy to train and may create other problems. 

(2)  Also remember, if you eat just before the class - your child may end up feeling unwell and miss the training. 

10   Bathroom 

Always ask your child if they need the bathroom before the class starts.

(1)  For safety children are not allowed to go alone to the bathroom during class. Unless their parents are present –  and those at the appropriate age with parents' written permission. 


Gym  -  Venue 

1  Using the gym 

Using the GYM (unless you have a membership with the gym) is not allowed when attending karate.

2  Kindnesses and respect 

Parents & everyone else should respect the rules of the VENUE / GYM at all times.

(1)  Must be respectful to the members of the gym / venue  by not getting on their way or occupying any of the equipment.

(2)  Must be respectful to management and members of staff - whether you are right or wrong. 

Do not get into arguments with anyone.

(3)  Refraining from: running, shouting,  talking loudly, touching any equipment, or anything else that is not appropriate when attending karate classes.


on the child’s efforts and enjoyment rather than winning or losing.

Provide positive verbal feedback after training, grading, pass ,fail and so on. 

Encouraging and pushing to be a little better is OKAY. But! –  look at your child's capacity and don't compare. Everyone of us learns in different ways and phases –  we're all worthy of something. Passing a grade, doing a better kick or punch –  doesn't always mean someone is doing well or better. 

Don't think karate is only in the class. Your child needs help after classes too. Try to learn and understand what karate is about –  what and why –  you want your child to practice.

Other notes

Protective gear.

At our dojo students are allowed to wear gloves, helmet, body / chest armor, groin protectors, mouth guards, shin /foot guards and so on... At the moment only gloves are compulsory.


Karate training involves "self-discipline" - without it, then there's no Karate. 

Lateness, no uniform, no protective gear, no water and some other things will also affect your child's graduation in the future. 

We - THE DOJO (sensei)

  We the Sensei / Instructor will do our best and go one step further to look after everyone and take responsibility if we do wrong. But, we can't take responsibility for anything that might happen before or after the class ends - or (and) for parents / guardians' negligence. 

  The Sensei, reserves the right to make exceptions where appropriate and has the right to enforce with or without warning at any time if the (karate-ka, parents / guardians) do not comply with any of our policies.  

You - THE PARENT (guardian)

  At our dojo / club the responsibility lies with the parents until the child is 18 years old. By attending our classes therefore you agree to fully comply with our parents dojo rules and our (policies) in general. 

USS 🥋 🙇‍♂️

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